Signs of ED: 3 Most Common Erectile Dysfunction Symptoms
Many signs of ED and erectile dysfunction symptoms are commonly ignored by men of varying age groups around the world.
It’s difficult to accept that there may be an underlying reason causing difficulty to a man’s sexual health, however, it is important that ED symptoms are not ignored. ED often plays a large role in a man’s ability to reproduce, mental health, physical wellbeing, and sexual health during intimate and romantic relationships.
Surveys and researchers have identified more than 30 million men in the United States are affected by erectile dysfunction and more than 150 million men are affected worldwide.
Furthermore, it is estimated by experts and researchers that the number of men with ED will increase to approximately 322 million by 2025.
Clearly, this is a growing phenomenon which is why it’s imperative that we spend as much time understanding erectile dysfunction symptoms so that we can identify it early on and seek out treatment options which are effective.
It’s important to note that ED is not always age dependent. This simply means that although old age increases your risk of erectile dysfunction, it can affect you at any age.
In fact, it was found in the Massachusetts Male Aging Study (MMAS) that a combined prevalence of mild to moderate erectile dysfunction of 52% in men aged 40 to 70 years.
Let’s talk more about the actual bodily process of getting erect.
Ordinarily, when a man is aroused, chemicals are released by nerves that increase blood flow into two chambers in a penis. The blood pressure is responsible for making a penis firm and erect.
Causes of erectile dysfunction usually indicate an underlying problem that prevents or inhibits the above process from occurring.
Identifying why this is happening is just as important as learning how to treat it.
With that being said, how do you know if you have erectile dysfunction? What symptoms of ED should you be looking for?
Let’s begin by discussing the most common erectile dysfunction symptoms, as well as the causes that contribute to the development of erectile dysfunction and solutions to consider implementing.
1. Erectile Dysfunction Symptom: Issues Getting Erect
ED symptoms issues getting erect maintaining erection low sex drive
Arguably the most popular sign of erectile dysfunction is the inability or extreme difficulty to get an erection.
Usually, being aroused results in the increase of blood flow to the penis. This stimulation results in the hardening of the penis.
This may happen acutely and in such an event, it is not cause for concern.
There could be many mitigating factors why one may not get erect suddenly such as high anxiety levels, stress and fatigue.
However, when this is something that occurs chronically, it is usually a telltale symptom of erectile dysfunction that requires some form of treatment.
2. Erectile Dysfunction Symptom: Issues Maintaining Erection
As much as struggling to get erect is a common symptom or sign of ED, so is the inability to stay erect.
What this refers to is the uncontrollable and involuntary softening of the penis despite arousal or physical stimulation.
Being able to engage in any kind of sexual activity is adversely affected by an inability to stay erect.
This may inhibit a man’s ability to engage in any form of penetration.
3. Erectile Dysfunction Symptom: Diminished Sexual Desire
Becoming erect is usually associated with being aroused, while ED symptoms can often include low libido or no sexual interest.
One’s state of being or psyche affects their ability to be turned on.
Naturally, a man who is dealing with this condition would feel afraid, nervous, stressed or depressed and this would affect his sex drive.
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