Depression and Sex: Can Depression Cause Erectile Dysfunction?
Can depression cause erectile dysfunction? Does having ED mean that depression is near? Is there a connect between sex drive, libido and depression? The cultural conversation regarding what depression looks like and how it should be handled has shifted in many positive ways over the past decade. Commonly held assumptions that those battling the disease would be obviously spotted through downtrodden expressions and unkempt outfits or hygiene have been shattered. Furthermore, the hurtful stereotype that men in particular can just power through depression has mercifully been disproven. The fact is, those dealing with depression can appear every bit as happy and successful as those who aren ’ t.The same goes for men who are experiencing erectile dysfunction. On the surface, nothing may appear amiss to the casual observer — and chances are, the afflicted won ’ t draw purposeful attention to their struggles. However, that doesn ’ t make either of these medical cond...