
Showing posts from December, 2021

Depression and Sex: Can Depression Cause Erectile Dysfunction?

  Can depression cause erectile dysfunction? Does having ED mean that depression is near? Is there a connect between sex drive, libido and depression?   The cultural conversation regarding what depression looks like and how it should be handled has shifted in many positive ways over the past decade.   Commonly held assumptions that those battling the disease would be obviously spotted through downtrodden expressions and unkempt outfits or hygiene have been shattered. Furthermore, the hurtful stereotype that men in particular can just power through depression has mercifully been disproven.   The fact is, those dealing with depression can appear every bit as happy and successful as those who aren ’ t.The same goes for men who are experiencing erectile dysfunction. On the surface, nothing may appear amiss to the casual observer — and chances are, the afflicted won ’ t draw purposeful attention to their struggles. However, that doesn ’ t make either of these medical cond...

Gallbladder Stone Disease Associated With Increased Risk of ED

Free  photo   Gallbladder stone disease — or gallstones — is a condition that affects 10% to 15% of the US population according to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. That is the equivalent of 25 million people.   It ’ s something that people have to look out for as they grow older, especially those with a family history of gallstones as they are at a higher risk of getting it.   While gallbladder stone disease tends to cause a considerable amount of pain, most cases do not cause any symptoms — meaning they ’ d have asymptomatic gallbladder stone disease — and wouldn ’ t require any treatment. However, there is data to suggest that gallstones can be linked to erectile dysfunction (ED).   Today, let ’ s talk about what gallstones are, how they can affect you, and their link to ED.   What Are Gallstones? Gallstones are deposits of hardened digestive fluid that resemble small stones of varying sizes.   These develop insid...

Does High Blood Pressure Cause ED?

  With more than 600,000 annual deaths, heart disease remains the most common cause of death in the US. According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), heart disease beats out cancer, accidents, and breathing issues. Hypertension, also known as high blood pressure, relates to heart disease and affects almost one in four US adults. What many people don ’ t know is the correlation between high blood pressure and erectile dysfunction.   We often get the question “ does high blood pressure cause ED? ” In this article, we will go over the answer to this question and provide information about blood flow, blood pressure, and men ’ s sexual health.   Does High Blood Pressure Cause Erectile Dysfunction? Yes, high blood pressure causes erectile dysfunction (ED) for some men. But there is more to it than that. Hypertension causes all of your body ’ s organs and tissues to slow down and additional strain to perform every day functions. Roughly 30% of men with hypertension also exp...